What you can expect from your IPL skin treatments

Sun damaged skin? Speckles of freckles? Veins and broken capillaries getting you down? Time to see the light with ipl at brazilian butterfly.

IPL is an Intense Pulsed Light that treats your skin and vascular imperfections with rapid pulses of light to the targeted area. No, it’s not painful. You will only feel the slightest sensation during treatment, after all you’re in the hands of our highly trained therapists.

Sun spots, freckles and skin discoloration respond well to IPL treatment. We recommend 4 to 6 sessions, four weeks apart for optimal results and a more confident you. An added bonus is minimal downtime for treatment, no pain and no invasive surgery.

Spider veins and rosacea respond beautifully to IPL. Once again, we recommend a series of 4 to 6 sessions, two to three weeks apart. You’ll start to notice an even, more uniform complexion, as you start to enjoy the new look you. Click here to make a booking